Limitless Love

Monday, August 12, 2019

Sometimes, I am so very aware of my limits. Like when I respond harshly to my oldest daughter’s persistent questions that interrupt my train of thought. Or, when I get frustrated with Amanda for the fight it takes just to brush her teeth or give her medicine. Or, when I snap at my husband with the answer to a question he has already asked before. In these times, I am sorely reminded of my limited ability to love my family.

When I confess these limits to God, He reveals His limitless love to me. The kind that reaches to the heavens, as far as the east is from the west, and to the depths of the oceans. His love knows no boundaries. It’s like my eyes are opened to see what was already right in front of me all along. All the love I ever needed has always been reaching out to me, ready to come alive in me should I choose to receive it. We are already swimming in an ocean of the forgiving, merciful love of our heavenly Father.

This is the kind of love that caused David to sing out praises to God, even in the midst of being trapped in a cave, surrounded by his enemies. “For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth” (Psalm 57:10-11).

The apostle Paul wrote and prayed to Father God about this great gospel love while he was imprisoned in Rome because he was spreading the news about it. “And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:14-19 MSG).

May it be so for you, dear friends.


photo by Chad Wells

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